
A photographer since 1976, Vaughn's entire professional career has been based in the out of doors, from his years working for the US Forest Service in various capacities, including steelhead counter, mule packer, trail builder, fire fighter, campground maintenance, wilderness ranger, and fire lookout, to his current vocation as a full-time landscape photographer and teacher.

More About Vaughn Hutchins
- 1972 to 1981 Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. BS in Natural Resources Management
- 1975 – Exchange student to Lincoln College, New Zealand
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- 2015 Solo Show, Upstairs Art Gallery, Arcata, CA
- 2013 Solo Show, GALLERY 1401, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
- 1985 First solo show, Humboldt Bank, Arcata, CA
Selected Group Exhibitions
- 2015 F Street Gallery, Eureka, CA, Two-person Show
- 2011 “Area of Refuge”, F Street Gallery, Eureka, CA, Two-person Show
- 2008 “Wide Views”, Twain Tippets Gallery, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, Group Show
- 2007 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park, Group Show
- 2006 Piante Gallery, Eureka, CA, Four- Person Show
- 2006 The Ansel Adams - John Muir Trail Exhibit, Mumm Napa Gallery, Group Show
- 2005 Himawari-no-Sato Gallery, Konan-Kumin-Bunka-Sentah, Japan, Group Show
- 2005 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park, Three-person Show
- 2004 Mumm Napa Gallery, Rutherford, CA, Group Show
- 2003 “Three”, Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, Three-person Show
- 1996 Morris Graves Museum of Art, Group Show
- 1999 Ink People Gallery, Eureka, CA, Three-person Show
- 1998 Mumm Napa Gallery, Rutherford, CA, Group Show
- 1996 Ink People Gallery, Eureka, CA, Three-person Show
- 1996 College of Art, UST, Kumasi, Ghana, Group Show
- 1995 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park, Two-person Show
- 1994 Solomon-Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, Group Show
Selected Honors And Awards
Vaughn has entered and won awards in shows, starting with an accepted photo into a show at the Monterey Museum of Art in 1984 and onwards to accept photos and awards at recent Yosemite Renaissance Show/Competitions, Yosemite National Park.
1987 to 1994 Friends of Photography Workshops, Carmel, CA. Workshop Assistant, one workshop per year.
1995 to 2001 HSU Children Art Academy/Studio School, Summer Sessions. Taught photography to 11 to 17 yr olds, occasionally younger.
2007 to Present Give workshops in Carbon Printing and Platinum Printing:
- PhotoCentral, Hayward, CA
- Ansel Adams Gallery Workshops, Yosemite, CA
- University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
- Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, CA
- Newport Art Center, Newport, OR
- Focal Point, The Visual Arts Learning Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- And private lessons.
Associated Contributions And Experience
May – October 1978
- Corps of Engineers, Lake Mendocino, Ukiah, CA
- Compliance Checker; collected campground fees, patrolled area and insured public safety
June – July, 1979 and May – September, 1980
- Mendocino National Forest, Covelo District
- Fisheries Biologist Aid; Steelhead survey on the Middle Fork Eel River, CA
May – October: 1981 - 1990
- Mendocino National Forest, Covelo District
- Wilderness ranger, mule packer and trail builder. Other duties: fire fighting, campground maintenance, range/wildlife/watershed projects, and fire-lookout.