
In his photographic art, Ted Orland engages a wide range of contemporary subject matter while continuing to honor the West Coast tradition of finely craft printmaking. His archival inkjet images encompass traditional media, hand-coloring, infrared and digital processes. His work has been exhibited widely and appears in most major museum collections.
“You would think that a camera, with its pedestrian realism, is a poorly chosen tool to transcribe the visions of an imagination like Ted’s. You would be wrong. It’s the perfect tool to capture scenes of wonder and curiosity on an evening walk through Unexpected Landscapes."
David Bayles

More About Ted Orland
Ted Orland studied at the University of Southern California.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2024 Stephen Johnson Gallery, Pacifica CA
2020 Photographer’s Eye Gallery, Escondido CA
2018 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite CA
2017 Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
2012 Creative Center for Photography, Los Angeles CA
2010 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite CA
2009 Terra Galleria, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica CA
2007 Marvin Silver Gallery, Mariposa CA
2005 Highlands Inn, Carmel CA.
2004 The Main Gallery, Redwood City CA
2001 Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
1999 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite CA
1997 Photographer’s Gallery, Palo Alto CA
1996 Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz CA
1995 Ansel Adams Gallery, Pebble Beach CA
Photographic Image Gallery. Portland OR.
1994 Fresno Metropolitan Museum, Fresno CA.
Ansel Adams Gallery. Yosemite CA.
1993 University Art Gallery, California State Univ., Stanislaus.
Kings County Art Center, Hanford CA.
Sacramento Valley Photographic Art Center, Sacramento CA.
1992 The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA
Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite CA
1990 The Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento CA
Ann Maynard Rice Gallery, Westover CT
1989 Trahern Gallery, Clarksville TN
Tager Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
Cheekwood Fine Arts Center, Nashville TN
1988 The Camera Club of New York. New York City, NY
1987 Spectrum Gallery, Fresno CA
Studio Eight Gallery, Kalispell MT
1986 Monterey Peninsula Art Museum, Monterey CA
1985 Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park CA
1984 Maude Kerns Art Center, Eugene OR
Pacific Grove Art Center, Pacific Grove CA
1983 Lloyd Gallery, Spokane WA1983 Infinity Gallery, Chicago IL
1982 University Art Museum, Eugene OR
Mind's Eye Gallery, Idaho State University
1981 Gallery Graphics, San Diego CA
Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park CA
Markham Gallery, San Jose CA
1980 Chicago Center for Creative Photography, Chicago IL
Utah State University, Logan UT
Visible Light Gallery, Santa Barbara CA
1979 University Art Museum, Eugene OR
Equivalents Gallery, Seattle WA
1978 Lightwork Gallery, Syracuse NY
Gallery 6322, Knoxville TN
1977 Focus Gallery, San Francisco CA
Images Gallery, New Orleans LA
1976 Hartnell College, Salinas CA
Volcano Arts Center, Volcano HI
1975 Columbia College, Columbia MO
Cabrillo College, Aptos CA
Camerawork Gallery, Fairfax CA
Silver Image Gallery, Tacoma WA
1974 831 Gallery, Birmingham MI
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville TX
1973 Santa Catalina School, Monterey CA
Mirror Image Gallery, Honolulu HI
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
“Dog Days of Summer”
2023 Slow Exposures Festival, Zebulon GA
“Touching Magic: Scenes From an Unchanted Wilderness”
2018 R. Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
“A Community of Artists XI”
Center for Creative Photograhy, Tucson AZ
“Finding Your Work”
Form+Content Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
“Longer Ways to Go: Photographs of the American Road”
2017 Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix AZ
“Longer Ways to Go: Photographs of the American Road”
Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco CA
“Landmark: Yosemite Through the Lens of Contemporary Landscape “Photography”
2016 Radius Gallery, Santa Cruz R.
“Rain Percussions”
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park CA.
“Landmark: Yosemite Through the Lens of Contemporary Landscape “Photography”
2014 The Art League, Santa Cruz CA
“This is Santa Cruz”
2013 Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
"A Community of Artists VI"
2012 Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
“Juried Members’ Show”
R. Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz CA.
“Art for Art”
Photo L.A., Lose Angeles CA
“Ansel Adams Gallery Artists”
2011 Rockford Art Museum, Rockford IL
Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
"A Community of Artists IV"
County Bank of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA
"Celebrate Santa Cruz"
2010 Davenport Gallery, Davenport CA
“Santa Cruz Artists”
2010 Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
"A Community of Artists III"
The Main Gallery, Redwood City CA
“Old Friends, New Work”
2009 Elder Gallery, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln NE
“Beyond the Edge: Photography Invitational”
Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
“ACOA Squared”
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park CA.
"Yosemite Renaisance XXIV"
Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis IN
“Facing West”
2008 Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
"A Community of Artists II"
Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis IN
“Yosemite: Art of an American Icon”
2007 The Oakland Museum, Oakland CA
“Yosemite: Art of an American Icon”
Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA
"A Community of Artists"
Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
“40th Anniversary Show”
2006 The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA
"Yosemite Renaisance XXI"
Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Pasadena CA
“Yosemite: Art of an American Icon”
Highlands Inn, Carmel CA.
“The Assistants of Ansel Adams”
The Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey CA
“Monterey Collects: Masterworks from Monterey County Collections”
2005 Pajaro Valley Gallery, Watsonville CA
“Animal Magnetism”
Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA.
Juried Group Show.
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park CA.
"Yosemite Renaisance XX"
The Main Gallery, Redwood City CA.
“Photographers’ Portfolios”
2004 Pajaro Valley Gallery, Watsonville CA
"The Pajaro River Project"
2003 Mumm Gallery, Napa CA.
"America the Beautiful"
Museum of Art & History, Santa Cruz CA.
"Another Side of Ansel Adams: Santa Cruz & Beyond"
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park CA.
"Yosemite Renaisance XIX"
Glendale Community College, Glendale CA.
"The Art of Process"
2003 The Steinbeck Center, Salinas CA
"Edges & Intersections"
The Main Gallery, Redwood Cite CA
"Merry Art at Main"
2002 The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"Edges & Intersections"
Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"Ansel Adams: Inspiration & Influence:
Center for Creative Photography, Tucson,AZ
Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah GA.
2001 Museum of Art & History, Santa Cruz CA
"Contemporary Configurations"
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara CA
"Altered Landscapes"
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA
"Made in California"
Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"Capturing Light: Masterpieces of California Photography, 1850 to the Present"
University of Louisville, Louisville KY
"All Our Children: Photographs from the Fine Print Collection
Pajaro Valley Gallery, Watsonville CA
"Painting with Light"
2000 Lightwork Gallery, Sacramento CA.
"Concurrent Divergences" (3-person show with John Sexton & John Wimberley)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA
"Artists and Animals: Photographs from the Permanent Collection"
2000 Marjory Evans Gallery, Carmel CA.
"The Handpainted Photograph"
1999 Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA
"Faculty Show"
1998 Portland Museum of Art, Portland ME
“Ernst Hass Memorial Collection”
Nevada Museum of Art, Reno NV.
“From Exploration to Conservation: Picturing the Sierra Nevada”
Davis Art Center, Davis CA
Artists Collecting Artists”
Maine Photographic Workshop Gallery, Rockport ME
Gallery Sur, Carmel CA.
1997 The Yosemite Museum (and subsequently as travelling show)
“Yosemite Renaissance”
1996 Penland School of Crafts, Penland NC.
“Alumni Show”
Photographers Gallery, Palo Alto CA.
“The Portrait Show”
Chromatics Gallery, Nashville TN.
“The Dog & Pony Show”
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"High Country Artists" (8th Annual Show)
1995 San Jose City College
“The Electronic Image”
Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA
“Monterey Bay Area Photographers”
California State University, Stanislaus
“High Country Artists” (7th Annual Show)
The California Museum of Art, Santa Rosa CA.
“Special Voices” (4-person Show)
1994 Pope Gallery, Santa Cruz CA.
“Black & White” (Inaugural Show)
Photographers Gallery, Palo Alto, CA
“Extraordinary Landscapes”
1993 The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"High Country Artists" (6th Annual Show)
Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite CA. & Pebble Beach CA. galleries
“Digital Images”
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"High Country Artists" (5th Annual Show)
Center for Creative Photography, Tucson AZ.
“Essential Art: 140 Years of American Photography”
1992 Alinder Gallery, Sea Ranch, CA.
"Food & Wine: A Feast of Photographs"
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"High Country Artists" (4th Annual Show)
The Photographer's Gallery, Palo Alto CA
"Tenth Anniversary Show"
1991 The Friends of Photography, San Francisco CA.
"Moonrise, Hernandez, and Otherwise"
The Alinder Gallery, Sea Ranch CA
"Gallery Artists"
The Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz CA.
"Four by Four"
Modesto Community College Art Gallery, Modesto CA.
"Consuming Landscapes" (Two-person Show)
1990 Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, Monterey CA.
"Northern California Artists"
The Farnsworth Museum, Rockland ME
"Beyond Black and White: Contemporary Hand-Painted Photographs"
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"High Country Artists" (3rd Annual Show)
The Alinder Gallery, Sea Ranch CA
"Shoot the Earth" & "Picture Perfect"
1989 The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite CA.
"Artist in Residence Show" & "High Country Artists" (2nd Annual Show)
The Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"Picturing California: A Century of Photographic Genius"
1988 The Fresno Art Museum, Fresno CA.
The Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park CA.
"High Country Artists" (1st Annual Show)
1987 The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan
1986 Maine Photographic Workshop Gallery, Rockport, ME.
"The American Landscape"
Photographers Gallery, Palo ALto CA.
"Altered Photographs"
University Art Museum, Eugene OR.
"Commitment to Vision"
1985 Friends of Photography, Carmel CA.
"Handcolored Photographs"
Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, Monterey CA.
"Northern California Artists"
(Juried competition: winner of Best of Show Award and
First Place Purchase Award)
Rencontres International de la Photographie, Arles, France
1984 Witkin Gallery, New York City
Wrubel Gallery, Berkeley CA.
"Yosemite: Five Views"
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara CA.
"101 Photographs: Selections from the Steinman Collection"
Friends of Photography, Carmel, CA.
"Point Lobos"
1983 Weston Gallery, Carmel CA.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Rental Gallery
"Landscape Now"
Portland Art Museum, Portland OR.
"Oregon Artists Biennial"
Lawrence Gallery, Portland OR.
"Oregon Artist Fellowship Recipients"
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento CA.
"Sacramento Collects"
1982 The Photography Gallery, La Jolla CA.
Central Washington State University, Ellensburg WA.
"New Photographics"
Littman Gallery, Portland OR.
"Northwest Artists"
Weston Gallery, Carmel CA.
Maude Kerns Art Center, Eugene OR
Eaton/Shoen Gallery, San Francisco CA
"Critics' Choice"
Frederick S. Wight Art Museum, UCLA, Los Angeles CA.
"Yosemite Viewfinders: Social Perspectives in Landscape Photography"
1981 Afterimage Gallery, Dallas TX.
"Tenth Anniversary Show"
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara CA.
"New Acquisitions to the Permanent Collection"
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento CA.
"The Out of State Portfolio"
1981 The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
"New Acquisitions to the Permanent Collection"
Images Gallery, Cincinnati, OH.
"Twelve Photographers"
Santa Cruz Art Center, Santa Cruz CA.
1980 Friends of Photography, Carmel CA.
"Members Show"
The Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"The Mechanical Eye"
Friends of Photography, Carmel CA.
"New Landscapes"
1979 Focus Gallery, San Francisco CA
"The Out of State Portfolio"
Clarence Kennedy Gallery, Cambridge MA.
"New Acquisitions to the Permanent Collection"
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara CA.
"Attitudes: Photography in the '70's"
Smith-Anderson Gallery, Palo Alto CA.
Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek CA.
"Diablo Valley in Focus"
1978 Friends of Photography, Carmel CA.
"Members' Show"
The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia PA.
"Polaroid Images"
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara CA.
"Visual Landscapes: Five Photographers"
Volcano Arts Center, Volcano HI.
"Contact High: Photographs of Volcanoes National Park"
The Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"New Acquisitions to the Permanent Collection"
1977 The deYoung Museum Downtown Center, San Francisco CA.
Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek CA.
"West Coast Continuum"
Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco CA.
"Instant Images"
The Oakland Museum, Oakland CA.
"California Scenes"
1976 Afterimage Gallery, Dallas TX.
"The Image Continuum Group"
Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco CA.
1975 Friends of Photography, Carmel CA.
"Four San Francisco State Graduates"
1974 Silver Image Gallery, Tacoma WA.
New Roses Gallery, Palo Alto CA.
"The Image Continuum Group"
1973 Focus Gallery, San Francisco CA.
The Monterey Peninsula Art Museum, Monterey CA.
Exhibitions: Circulating Shows
Commitment to Vision, organized by the University of Oregon Art Museum.
Major Exhibits, 1987-89:
- University Art Museum, Eugene OR.
- Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University
- Schnieder Museum of Art, Ashland OR.
- Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton FL
- Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg FL.
American Photographers and the National Parks, organized by the National
Parks Foundation. Major Exhibits, 1981-83:
- Amon Carter Museum
- Carnegie Institute Museum of Art
- Chicago Historical Society
- Corcoran Gallery of Art
- Denver Art Museum
- Minneapolis Institute of the Arts
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art
- New York Public Library
- Oakland Museum
At Mono Lake, organized by Friends of the Earth; shown at 15 museums and
galleries throughout California and the west during 1980-89.
Ten Young American Photographers, organized by the United States International Communications Agency; show toured U.S. Embassies and Cultural Centers, 1981-84.
Selected Collections And Publications
Ted Orland is the author of Man & Yosemite, which traces the early history of Yosemite as it can be interpreted through photographs from that era. A major selection of Ted’s own photographs & writings appears in his monograph, Scenes of Wonder & Curiosity. Ted also wrote the Introduction to Uelsmann/Yosemite, a monograph of decidedly contemporary images by photographer Jerry Uelsmann. In literary circles Ted is widely known as co-author (with David Bayles) of Art & Fear, which explores the nature of the artmaking process, and is the author of its companion volume, The View From The Studio Door.
Instagram: @tedorland