
Alan Ross is an internationally respected master photographer and educator who expresses his unique vision with a combination of traditional photographic craftsmanship and today’s technology.
“For those of us to whom words do not come easily, a photograph becomes the language that allows us to express who we are, what we think, and how we respond to the world around us. I have used this “language of light” for almost 60 years to articulate those thoughts and feelings I am not often able to put into words.”
Alan Ross

More About Alan Ross
- B.A. University of California, Berkeley: Design / Photography, 1971
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- Halsted Gallery, Birmingham MI
- Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga TN
- University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
- Rochester Institute of Technology NY
- Vision Gallery, San Francisco
- Alinder Gallery, Gualala, CA
- Andrew Smith Gallery, Santa Fe
- Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite
Seected Group Exhibitions
- Friends of Photography, Carmel
- Art Institute of Chicago
- Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
- Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge MA
- Witkin Gallery, New York
- Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel
- Columbus (GA) Museum of Art
- Thomasville Center for the Arts, GA
- California Nature Art Museum, Solvang, CA
Selected Collections & Publictions
Articles about, & references:
- Petersen's Photographic, August 1984
- Photo District News, August 1985
- Darkroom Photography, May/June 1987
- View Camera, September 1989
- View Camera, March April 1995
- B&W Magazine April 2006
- Lenswork magazine Jul-Aug 2006
- ViewCamera Jul 2006
- Emulsion magazine Aug 2006
- Photoworld China 2020
Articles by:
- Darkroom Photography, March /April 1985, Performing Ansel's Score
- Camera Arts, Jun/July, Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov, 1998, Dec/Jan 98-99, Variable Contrast Printing, four-part technical series
- ViewCamera Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1999, Selective Masking, three part technical series. Camera Arts, Oct/Nov 2001, Getting the Most out of Medium Format
- ViewCamera May/Jun 2003, A Morning in the Dunes with Ansel Adams
- B&W Magazine April 2006
- Lenswork Magazine Jul-Aug 2006
- ViewCamera Magazine Jul-Aug 2006
- Emulsion Magazine Aug 2006
- PhotoTechnique, Understanding Lenses
- Looking Glass magazine 2012-18
- Photoworld China, Ansel Adams and Photography as Art
- Misc. interviews and articles in print and web
Numerous workshops for Ansel Adams and The Friends of Photography. Others include:
- University of California Extension
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Palm Beach Workshops
- Photo tours to China 1981, 1982
- Ilford Photographic Technical seminars
- Director, Ansel Adams Workshops 1982, 1983
- Santa Fe Workshops; The Ansel Adams Gallery
- Pingyao Photo Festival, Pingyao, China
- Chinese Photographic Society, Lishui, China
- Cleveland Institute of Art, 2007. Location workshops in Italy, Croatia, China, Ireland, Cuba, Scotland, Greece
- Private Workshops
Associated Contributions And Experience
Invention and manufacture of U.S. Patent No. 4,522,490, June 1985: Method and Apparatus for Adapting Photographic Enlargers for use with Large Format Negatives. Marketed as the Beseler 810 enlarger.
Instagram: @alanrossphotography